The health kick is spreading like a wildfire through out the world of affiliate marketing. First, Scott Jangro started running like a madman. Now, the latest entry is the Affiliate Fit Club. Six high profile affiliates have thrown down the gauntlet with a team based weight loss challenge. The finish line is in February at Affiliate Summit 2008 West in Las Vegas. Until then, I highly recommend supporting both teams as they strive to crush their goals.
For my part, I have a unique motivational challenge for Team Blue member Lisa Riolo. Since we went to college together at Claremont McKenna College, I have access to rare photos of her as a star Division III basketball player… 20 years ago. If she hits her personal goal, I won’t have to make those pictures public. Yes, that’s evil.
Also, please check out my own personal 2007 Running Goal. I ran my fastest 5k time this morning, clocking a speedy 24 min, 14 sec time. Now I am just 3k off the pace for my ultimate goal of running 200km by the end of the year.