Two years ago I read a post that blew me away. The secret recipe for Twitter retweets based data, analysis and action. I have been a huge fan of Hubspot’s Dan Zarrella ever since he published The Science of ReTweets. Dan is the social media research scientist. He crunches vast amounts of usage information and delivers incredible data-driven tips on how to improve your social media campaigns. Here are 3 infographs Dan has recently published that hold the secrets to Twitter success.
5 Scientifically Proven Ways to Get More Followers
Getting more Twitter followers is a great starting point to becoming a social media star. How you get a big Twitter follower count is actually more important than the sheer quantity. You can use gimmicks and race to 100,000 followers easily. However, you want a high quantity of high quality followers. Based on Dan’s research, the 5 scientifically proven ways to attract more followers are:
- Display a profile picture – The lowest hurdle of anyone serious
- Stop talking about yourself – even if you are awesome
- Reply – Don’t just broadcast
- Identify yourself as an authority – Be official, a founder, or a guru
- Be positive – Good attitude goes a long way
Check out this epic social media infograph…
Optimal Link Placement for Clicks
Historically, most of us put a link at the end of a Tweet. That practice may change based on some research Dan just published. It looks like the end of the post is okay. However, the sweet spot for clicks is to place your link approximately 25% of the way through your post.
As a bonus tip, your click through rate will also increase by adding a clear call to action. It’s amazing how powerful the simple act of asking someone to click or download gets results.
5 Scientifically Proven Ways to Get More ReTweets
Followers are good, but the success of your campaigns is to go viral. You need retweets. What type of tweets are more likely to be retweeted? Dan reviewed tons of retweeted posts and came up with the top 5 factors to getting more retweets:
- Tweet links
- Ask for ReTweets
- Stop talking about yourself – a repeat Twitter best practice!
- Report something new
- Tweet about Twitter – not Facebook or LinkedIn
Here is the infograph…
If you want an even more high impact how-to guide from Dan, he just published an incredible book in August. I highly recommend it. The ROI you will get for $10 is amazing.
Zarrella’s Hierarchy of Contagiousness: The Science, Design, and Engineering of Contagious Ideas
Disclaimer: This link is an affiliate link. However, my recommending Dan’s book or the very cool infographics is not based on my financial gain. His exceptional work speaks for itself and is worth sharing.
Great tips! thanks so much..
Bingo! Dan just posted another great set of Twitter tips… 10 Words That Will Increase (or Decrease) Your CTR. Check it out.